Tuesday, June 11, 2013

TOS Review - Christianity Cove

I homeschool a 2nd (just promoted to 3rd) grader, teach the 3rd/4th grade girls class in Sunday School and help facilitate a children's life group with kids Pre-K through 4th grade.  That's a lot of hats to wear, so I'm always looking for new ideas to use.  I was excited for the opportunity to review two products from Christianity Cove:

Christianity Cove is an online resource loaded with Bible ideas and activities to use in a Sunday School class or Children's Church.  While there are many freebies available, they also offer a wide selection of downloadable products ranging from Sunday School Lessons, Bible Crafts, Bible Snacks to Vacation Bible School and Bullying.  

My musings:
My intentions were to use the products with all three of the groups of kids that I work with...I got 2/3 done.  My SS class is larger (and we're currently in a high school cafeteria until our new church building is completed), so while I am quite accomplished at adapting materials to overcome these circumstances, sometimes the environment we're in wins.  That said, I am looking at the Super Bible Games and Bible Memory Games for next Fall.  We work on memory verses every week and I need some new games!
The layout of the two e-books I received is the same:  description of the lesson, scripture reference, materials needed, instructions, "script" for the teaching part, explanation and the Biblical connection.
Outstanding Object Lessons has 28 activities that use everyday objects (spoon, flashlight, blankets, etc.)  The lessons are very short, but may require some preparation...just so you can make sure you have the materials ready and available.   Bible Science Experiments has 25 lessons broken down into five areas: light, color, motion, magnetism and gravity.
One of the experiments we did (read: the only one I thought to take a picture of - duh!) was Experiment #21: Gravity Doesn't Care About Weight.  In a nutshell, the lesson taught Galileo's Equivalence Principle (gravity pulls all items toward the center of the Earth with equal force - 32 ft per second), so weight doesn't effect a freefalling object.  The scripture correlation is Galatians 3:28 - "There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male or female.  for you are all one in Christ Jesus."  It was a fun lesson.  You use a raw potato and a pencil and drop them from the same height at the same time.  Of course, Julianna predicted that the potato would hit the ground first (which I would have too if I hadn't read the lesson ahead of time) - since it was heavier.  We were both pleased with the way the lesson went.

Getting ready for the countdown to drop!

Which will it be? (You can see the pencil blurred to the right of the potato.)

It's a tie!

Christianity Cove is a great resource when you work children in any capacity - in your home or at your church.  Check out their website to see all the products they have available.


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