Friday, June 10, 2011

The Pajama Chef, Episode 1

Today's theme:  Breakfast (Eggs)
Starring:  Chef Julianna, aka The Pajama Chef

**In an effort to get my "sweeternarian" (Her dad and I were discussing vegetarian meals one night and she proclaimed that she doesn't eat fruits & veggies, only sweets, so she was a sweeternarian.) to try new things, I've decided to let her participate more in the kitchen.  She came up with the recipe on her own (I think she just wanted to use the basil we are growing on our deck.)  And for the record, the eggs with basil was absolutely delicious.**


Tiff said...

"The basil makes it more basily!!" Haha!! I <3 her! Can't wait to get some basil and get cookin'! lol!

meboo said...

I have some basil in my garden so I will definitely try cooking up this delicious receipe from the pajama chef.

Moni-Q said...

oh, my word!!!! I could just eat her up. She is hysterical!!!! So professional. Everybody is going to want to try those "basily eggs". It just sounds so YUMMY!!!! I'll post my own video comment if I can get around to making them "basily eggs". Who woulda thought...basil and eggs. You go pajama chef! ( the way...did you use free range chicken eggs? Just thought I'd ask.)

Jessica said...

Oh my!!! Love it! I will have to try some of these basilly eggs. And...I wish I could look that cute scarfing down my eggs in the morning!