Friday, January 7, 2011

December musings, Part 2

Let's see, where did we leave off? 

*  Our High Five magazine for December (Highlights for little ones) had instructions for making a paper bag village.  After we got it all together, Julianna decided it needed villagers, so it was the Playmobil people to the rescue.  She set all the kids up on one side and the adults as the audience and put on a little choir performance.  Notice Tammy (and her cat) in the front with the crutch (think Tiny Tim from "A Christmas Carol") leading "Joy to the World".  A few other carols were sung and enjoyed by all.  God bless us, everyone!  

* I had been seeing people driving around with reindeer antlers and a red "nose" on their cars.  I thought they were awesome, but didn't know where to get a set.  A couple days before Christmas I was in the dollar store and found them.  Score!  Christmas Eve we had to play Santa and deliver a couple gifts, so I thought it would be the best time to put them on our car.  They were really cute and festive...

until you drive 65 mph down the highway.  "Oops, there went one of the antlers. Oh, wait, there went the other one."  They didn't even make it 3 miles from our house.  The plain white plastic sticks on your window when you arrive at your destination do not have the same holiday appeal as the cute fuzzy antlers.  Jus sayin'.

* The big day finally came!

  Months of planning and saving and buying, weeks of counting down, days of decorating and baking, hours of wrapping and shopping and it all ends up like this.  It's worth every minute. 

* I have no idea when Julianna took this picture of herself, but it made me laugh.

Here is wishing you a happy and healthy 2011! 


Tiff said...

Holly looks like she is loving all that wrapping paper! <3 <3

Jessica said...

LOVE all the pics!! And the car antlers...LOL. That is too funny that they flew off. Oh well- it's the thought that counts ;)